
10 Strategies to Improve Your SHSAT Score

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The SHSAT is one of the hardest standardized tests you will have to take in your middle school career. Although it may seem daunting at first, with practice you can achieve a high score and get into your dream high school. The strategies listed below can help you tackle the SHSAT and come out on top.


Basic Strategies:

          The first step to successfully study for the SHSAT is to familiarize yourself with its content, length, and structure. This way, on the day of the test, you won’t waste time figuring out the SHSAT structure, but rather getting the right answers. Like all standardized tests, the SHSAT repeats topics every year. If you’re familiar with the test, you’ll know what topics to study and no type of question can surprise you. The best way to familiarize yourself with the SHSAT is to take practice tests. This way you won’t get confused by the wording of questions while taking the actual test.


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1.     Practice Tests

The best way to improve your SHSAT score is through practice. When taking a practice test, you should recreate the testing conditions of the SHSAT. This means a quiet and distraction-free area. To recreate this type of setting, you should put away all electronics and sit at an empty desk in a quiet room. Make sure to time yourself. The SHSAT is three hours long. Although there aren’t any time restrictions for the sections on the SHSAT, you should split your time equally between the two sections. This means you should spend 90 minutes on the ELA section and 90 minutes on the math section. After taking the practice tests, you should grade yourself honestly and go over all the questions you got wrong carefully. Make sure you understand why you got each question wrong and how to correctly solve the problem in the future. By doing this, you can also find your weaknesses (ex. probability, verb tenses). Based on that, you can set up a study schedule.

You can find some practice tests in the back of SHSAT workbooks, like Kaplan, Barron’s, and Argo Prep. You can also find a number of practice tests online in the SHSAT handbook.


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2.     Study Schedules

Set aside time each day to study for the SHSAT. This time should be based on how much studying you need and should be at least an hour long. If you are unable to study an hour each day, try aiming for two hours every two days instead. These study sessions can include taking tests, doing practice problems, and learning/reviewing topics. You should spend most of your time on your weak areas, whether it be the ELA or math. As you get closer to the SHSAT test date, you should increase the amount of time you study. Allow yourself to review some of the topics the day before the actual test. However, do not study too much the day before the SHSAT. All the studying that you have done in the past should be enough. 



3.     Timing

The SHSAT itself is three hours long, and while you can take as long as you want for any section, it’s recommended that you use half your time for ELA and half your time for math. If you’re not finishing the test within the recommended times, figure out what topics/sections are taking the longest time and study those. Before your SHSAT test date, you should take two practice tests, one doing the ELA section first and the other doing the Math section first. Figure out which order works better for you. If you realize that you are better in one section than the other, try starting with the harder section first so you can approach it with a fresh mind.


Ways To Improve Your SHSAT Math Score:


If you’re having trouble with the math section of the SHSAT, here are some strategies on how to improve your math score:


1.     Concepts

Learn all the SHSAT math concepts from a workbook or the internet. There are around 40 math concepts you need to know. You should try to learn at least one each day. Then, figure out which concepts you have the most difficulty with and focus on those. Generally, most people have trouble with probability, distance, permutations/combinations, and volume problems, so be sure to spend extra time on those. Take at least two days to learn and practice these concepts specifically.

A majority of SHSAT math questions are word problems that are based off a list of equations, so make sure you read each question carefully and know how to use the information you’re given. You should also make a study guide of all the equations you must know for the SHSAT and memorize them.


2.     Question Difficulty

            Based on the difficulty of the problem, you should approach it differently. Easy questions, which should take you the least amount of time, tend to try to trick you. Make sure to read these questions carefully! For questions with medium difficulty, you should learn shortcuts that make it easier and quicker to solve. If there are any questions that you find difficult to do, relearn that math concept and figure out any shortcuts that can help you.


Ways To Improve Your SHSAT ELA Score:


If you’re having trouble with the ELA section of the SHSAT, here are some strategies that can help you improve your score:


1.     Read more nonfiction

            Most of the SHSAT passages are informational nonfiction, which most people don’t read often. Reading articles from places like the New York Times can help you familiarize yourself with the genre and improve your vocabulary, reading comprehension, and grammar.


2.     Annotate Passages

            SHSAT passage-based questions consistently ask about main ideas, key ideas, major turning points, and shifts in tone/narrative. To effectively answer these questions, you should do quick annotations while reading the passages. Taking notes in the margins of passages and underlining important details can help you better understand the passage and makes it easier to find information when you are doing questions.


3.      Grammar

             The SHSAT grammar questions focus on basic grammar (punctuation, clauses, etc.), transition words, combining two sentences, and identifying irrelevant sentences. Learn the different types of punctuation and grammar concepts they have on the SHSAT from a workbook or online. Then, practice by doing practice problems from workbooks and online worksheets. Make sure to check your work and understand why you might have gotten a question wrong. Another way to practice spotting errors is to go back to your old writing assignments and revise them. While doing SHSAT grammar questions, you should also make sure you understand the main idea of each passage because it is necessary when answering questions about transition, relevancy, and placement.


The best way to study for the SHSAT is to figure out what methods and strategies work for you and continuously practice them. Practice makes perfect. With the right amount of practice, you can get well above the score you’re aiming for. If you’re still having trouble improving your SHSAT score, you should consider tutoring. A SHSAT tutor can help you implement the strategies mentioned above, work on your weak areas, and figure out strategies that work for you. Synergy Prep offers SHSAT tutoring, where you can take practice tests, receive a breakdown of your tests, and attend workshops focused on specific topics.

SAT Subject Tests Breakdown: Which ones should I take?

The SAT Subject Tests are standardized tests given by the College Board on individual academic subjects.

Here are your options for the SAT Subject Tests:

  • Math: Level 1, Level 2

  • Science: Chemistry, Physics, Biology (Ecological/Molecular)

  • English: Literature

  • History: US History, World History

  • Language: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Modern Hebrew, Latin, Spanish with Listening, French with Listening, German with Listening, Chinese with Listening, Korean with Listening, Japanese with Listening


Why take SAT Subject Tests?

There are a number of reasons to take SAT Subject Tests, one being that many selective colleges require them. In many cases you are expected to submit two Subject Test scores, in addition to your SAT or ACT score. Subject Tests are also a great way to highlight your academic strengths and showcase your competence in a subject. They can also be used to signal your interest and commitment to a specific college major/program. For instance, if you’re applying to programs in engineering, you should emphasize your strengths in math and science. In that case, a good idea would be to take the Math Level 2 test, as well as a science test such as Chemistry or Physics.

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Which SAT Subject Tests should I take?

When deciding which SAT Subject Tests to take, consider which academic subjects you excel in and are most comfortable with. Take the tests in which you’re confident about getting a good score! In addition, you can choose your tests according to what you want to major in. Here are some Subject Test recommendations based on your intended major or career track:

  • Engineering/computer science: Math Level 2, Physics

  • Pre-med: Biology, Chemistry, Math Level 1 or 2

  • Pre-law: English Literature, US History, World History

  • Finance/business: Math Level 1 or 2

  • Humanities: English Literature, US History, World History, any Language test

If you’re unsure about your prospective major, you can choose your tests based on the general area of study you may be interested in. It’s also wise to take a careful look at the admissions requirements of the colleges and specific programs you are interested in applying to – several colleges ask that you submit at least one score from a humanities test (e.g. Literature, World History) and one from a math/science test (e.g. Math Level 2, Chemistry). Specific programs within schools can also have their own special requirements.


Should I take science Subject Tests if I’ve taken the ACT?

While the ACT contains a science section, this is not meant to serve as a substitute for the science Subject Tests. The ACT science section assesses your general ability to think scientifically, rather than the specific content of your scientific knowledge. If you want to showcase your specialized knowledge in a science subject, you should take one or more of the Subject Tests in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology – even if you have taken the ACT and scored well on the science section.

SAT Subject Tests are an additional component of your college application that illustrate your skills and interests. Whether they are recommended or required by the colleges you’d like to apply to, it’s worthwhile to prepare for and take at least two Subject Tests to strengthen your college application.

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What is considered a good score on the SAT Subject Tests?

In general, a good score on the SAT subject test would be anything above a 700. However, each subject test has a different average score.  For example, the average score for the Math Level II SAT subject test is 694. It’s not enough to just be above average though. We encourage that you try your best and shoot for a perfect score. That’s why, as we stated earlier, it is important that you choose subject tests that complement your strengths. The higher the score, the better.

You should also set a target score for yourself. Your target score will depend on which colleges you are interested in applying to. Research what the average SAT subject test scores are for those colleges and aim to get a much higher score than the average.

If you want statistics on the SAT subject tests, check out this article from PrepScholar


How should you study for the SAT Subject Tests?

 As with any standardized exam, it is recommended that you start preparing several months beforehand, if not longer. The SAT and ACT are two major exams that you should start studying for during the summer of your sophomore year going into junior year. Continue studying throughout your junior year and eventually take your first exam in the winter or spring. This way if you aren’t happy with your score the first time around, you can take it again in the fall of your senior year. Generally, we don’t recommend taking the SAT or ACT more than three times.

Give yourself ample amount of time to study and get the material down. The same applies to your subject tests. However, you don’t need to study for the tests over the span of a year. You can start studying for the test 2-3 months in advance. First take a diagnostic exam to see where you stand. Your study schedule will depend on what your score is.

Choosing a subject test that complements your strengths, a good workbook, and self-studying should be enough for you to do well on the exam. However, if you feel that you can’t grasp the concepts, finding a tutor is always an option. Synergy Prep also has a great course on SAT and SAT subject tests that you can check out here

Should I take the 9th grade SHSAT exam?

While most students take the SHSAT in 8th grade, it’s also possible to take it during your freshman year of high school. Maybe you took the exam in 8th grade and weren’t accepted to one of the schools you wanted to attend. Or perhaps you have never taken the SHSAT but are now interested in attending a Specialized High School . In either case, there are several factors you should consider before taking or retaking the SHSAT as a 9th grader.


How is the 9th grade SHSAT different?

The first thing to note is that the 8th grade and 9th grade tests are not identical. While the Verbal section of both tests are more or less the same, the Math section of the 9th grade test is more advanced than that of the 8th grade test. One of the most notable differences is that the 9th grade test may include questions on basic trigonometry, which is not covered on the 8th grade test. If you are planning on retaking the SHSAT as a 9th grader, beware of the following topics for math:

  • advanced algebra problems

  • greater emphasis on coordinate geometry

  • greater emphasis on 3D geometry

  • basic trigonometry

  • graphing

  • slopes

  • transformations

Click here for a sample of some math questions that you’ll find on the 9th grade SHSAT

What are my chances of getting accepted?

Keep in mind that the acceptance rates for 9th graders are significantly lower than the acceptance rates for 8th graders! Simply put, there are fewer available spots for incoming sophomores at the Specialized High Schools. This means the cutoff scores are generally higher for 9th graders taking the SHSAT. Overall, 9th graders need to achieve higher scores on the test in order to gain acceptance to a Specialized High School.

Should I retake the SHSAT?

If you took the SHSAT in 8th grade and weren’t satisfied with your results, retaking the test the following year is always an option. However, it’s a good idea to take your original score into consideration when deciding whether to retake the test. If your score was 449 or lower, the odds of improving your score enough within one year to gain acceptance as an incoming sophomore, when seats are significantly more limited, may be rather slim. If your score was 450 or higher, it may be worth your while to give it another shot. As always, studying consistently and effectively will go a long way in helping you get into the school of your dreams!

Tutoring/Test Prep

If you are considering taking the 9th grade exam, your best bet to increase your score or getting a high score is to sign up for a test prep course. Although there is a lot of material on the internet and books on the SHSAT, no instruction is more personalized than tutoring. A good tutor will help you through the questions you have difficulty with and give you regular practice tests to monitor your performance. If you are seeking a home tutor then would be your safest bet. However, home tutoring could be a bit pricey and may not fit your budget. Check out Synergy Prep’s SHSAT program for more information on SHSAT tutoring.

Study tips for the SHSAT

Not sure how to prepare for the SHSAT? We came up with a list of useful tips to make your test prep more successful and help you reach your target score:


General Tips

  • First things first, get very familiar with the format of the SHSAT. If you haven't already, check out our last blog post on the basics of the SHSAT. Knowing what to expect on the day of the exam will not only reduce test-taking anxiety, but will also save you time since you’ll know exactly what is being asked of you.

  • Take lots of practice tests! When you do, make sure to take them in a quiet environment and time yourself (the SHSAT is a three-hour long test). In other words, recreate the real-life testing conditions of the SHSAT when you take practice tests. Every year the DOE releases an SHSAT handbook which contains guidelines for the SHSAT and a full-length practice exam.

  • Once you’ve taken a practice test, score yourself and review your answers. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and do extra practice questions targeting your problem areas.

  • For multiple-choice questions, come up with an answer in your head before looking at the answer choices. This can keep from you getting tempted by incorrect answer choices that sound appealing.

  • Use process of elimination to rule out answer choices that are clearly incorrect. Each time you eliminate an incorrect answer choice to a question, your chance of getting that question right increases. Even if you’re not entirely sure what the correct answer is, guessing between two potential answers definitely gives you better odds than guessing between four!

  • Work at a steady pace. Don’t get stuck on one question for too long – if a question is giving you a hard time, circle it and come back to it later. And remember: all questions are worth the same value, no matter how hard or easy. That said, make sure to answer every question! There is no penalty for guessing.


Math Tips

  • When in doubt, work backwards. Plug in each answer choice into the question, and see which choice gives you the correct value.

  • Figure out which topics you struggle with most, and spend extra time on them. Weak in geometry? Do extra geometry practice problems until you notice improvement.


Verbal Tips

  • Remember that the correct answer must be supported by evidence from the passage. If you think an answer choice may be correct, make sure you can point to the exact part of the passage that supports this answer.

  • Read as much as you can outside of test prep, particularly nonfiction! The passages in the reading section of the SHSAT are nonfiction informational texts. Reading publications such as the New York Times and Scientific American regularly will help you improve your vocabulary and become a better reader overall. Try reading two nonfiction articles a week. Write down the main idea for each one.


By incorporating these strategies consistently in your test prep, you can set yourself up for SHSAT success! Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more test-taking tips and strategies like these!