Study tips for the SHSAT

Not sure how to prepare for the SHSAT? We came up with a list of useful tips to make your test prep more successful and help you reach your target score:


General Tips

  • First things first, get very familiar with the format of the SHSAT. If you haven't already, check out our last blog post on the basics of the SHSAT. Knowing what to expect on the day of the exam will not only reduce test-taking anxiety, but will also save you time since you’ll know exactly what is being asked of you.

  • Take lots of practice tests! When you do, make sure to take them in a quiet environment and time yourself (the SHSAT is a three-hour long test). In other words, recreate the real-life testing conditions of the SHSAT when you take practice tests. Every year the DOE releases an SHSAT handbook which contains guidelines for the SHSAT and a full-length practice exam.

  • Once you’ve taken a practice test, score yourself and review your answers. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and do extra practice questions targeting your problem areas.

  • For multiple-choice questions, come up with an answer in your head before looking at the answer choices. This can keep from you getting tempted by incorrect answer choices that sound appealing.

  • Use process of elimination to rule out answer choices that are clearly incorrect. Each time you eliminate an incorrect answer choice to a question, your chance of getting that question right increases. Even if you’re not entirely sure what the correct answer is, guessing between two potential answers definitely gives you better odds than guessing between four!

  • Work at a steady pace. Don’t get stuck on one question for too long – if a question is giving you a hard time, circle it and come back to it later. And remember: all questions are worth the same value, no matter how hard or easy. That said, make sure to answer every question! There is no penalty for guessing.


Math Tips

  • When in doubt, work backwards. Plug in each answer choice into the question, and see which choice gives you the correct value.

  • Figure out which topics you struggle with most, and spend extra time on them. Weak in geometry? Do extra geometry practice problems until you notice improvement.


Verbal Tips

  • Remember that the correct answer must be supported by evidence from the passage. If you think an answer choice may be correct, make sure you can point to the exact part of the passage that supports this answer.

  • Read as much as you can outside of test prep, particularly nonfiction! The passages in the reading section of the SHSAT are nonfiction informational texts. Reading publications such as the New York Times and Scientific American regularly will help you improve your vocabulary and become a better reader overall. Try reading two nonfiction articles a week. Write down the main idea for each one.


By incorporating these strategies consistently in your test prep, you can set yourself up for SHSAT success! Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more test-taking tips and strategies like these!