rigorous courses

What is the Hunter College High School (HCHS)?


Outside of the Specialized High Schools, there are a number of other prestigious public high schools in New York City. One of the most selective examples is Hunter College High School (HCHS). Located on the Upper East Side and run by the City University of New York, HCHS is known for its student body’s high acceptance rates to Ivy League universities and other extremely selective colleges. Students must take a competitive entrance exam in the sixth grade to gain admission to this highly sought-after school.


Aside from its elite reputation, what makes HCHS unique is its rigorous liberal arts curriculum spanning grades 7 through 12, providing an early foundation for college-level coursework. Because the school is exempt from New York State Regents examinations, it has more liberty in forming its special curriculum, compared to schools that require NYS standardized testing. As a result, classes generally involve more writing and discussion than what may be typical for a New York City high school. All students take honors math, with an option for taking “extended honors” at an accelerated pace; the curriculum goes beyond and is more challenging than the Regents curriculum in mathematics.

Eligibility and Admissions

Admission to HCHS is a two-step process. First, public school students must score at or above the 90th percentile on the fifth grade Common Core exams in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). (Students at private or independent schools need to score at or above the 90th percentile on the reading and math exams given by their schools.) Meeting this benchmark makes you eligible to then take the HCHS Entrance Exam in the sixth grade. The test is extremely competitive – while exact cutoff scores vary from year to year, generally fewer than 10% of students who take the exam are offered admission.

The HCHS Entrance Exam

The HCHS Entrance Exam is a three-hour exam given once a year. It consists of three sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and a Writing Assignment. The Critical Reading section contains fifty multiple-choice questions based on a given series of reading passages. The Mathematics section contains thirty multiple-choice questions assessing problem-solving ability on a variety of math topics, such as geometry, probability, and computation with fractions and decimals. In the Writing Assignment section, students must produce an appropriate, original, and detailed response to the given topic(s).

Preparing for HCHS Admissions

Because eligibility to sit for the HCHS Entrance Exam is based on fifth grade Common Core test scores, it’s important for students who are interested in HCHS to prepare adequately for those Common Core tests. Studying and prepping diligently for both the ELA and Math tests is crucial.

Afterwards, doing well on the Entrance Exam is a must!

HCHS is a great school that offers a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities for motivated, high-achieving students. Students who want to attend HCHS should be well aware of the competitive admissions requirements, and start planning early on to improve their chances of acceptance!

What colleges look at: The importance of taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes

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Advanced Placement (AP) is a program that allows you to take college-level courses while still in high school. At the end of each AP class, you can take the corresponding AP exam and potentially earn college credit for the class.

There are 38 AP exams in total, but the number of AP exams offered varies from school to school. Many high schools do not offer any AP classes or exams at all.

When choosing a high school to attend, it’s important to consider whether AP classes and exams are offered, and if so, which ones.

Without further ado, the 3 biggest reasons why you should take APs are:

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1.      They prepare you for college. AP classes generally function like introductory-level college courses. In other words, they’re designed to be more challenging than your average high school classes.

For instance, AP US History is a lot more analytical than the standard Regents US History offered at most NYC high schools. The AP version goes further than what happened in American history – it puts a lot more emphasis on the how and why, and focuses on broader themes. Classes like this can help you get accustomed to the type of analytical thinking that is regularly expected of you in college-level work.

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2.      You can earn college credit. If you get an adequate score on an AP exam, many colleges will offer you credit in that subject. (An adequate score generally means at least a 3 or 4, depending on the school.)

In many cases, earning college credit for AP’s will exempt you from taking certain introductory courses in college. For example, a sufficient score on one of the AP Calculus exams may allow you to skip entry-level Calculus in college and go straight into a more advanced math course instead.


 3.      You’ll have an edge in college admissions. If your high school offers AP classes and exams, colleges will pay attention to whether you took advantage of them.

Taking AP classes and doing well on the corresponding AP exams shows colleges that you are motivated, capable, and ready for college-level academic work. AP classes and exam scores strengthen your college application and make you a more favorable candidate.

Overall, AP classes enrich your high school academic experience and challenge you to think more critically. At the same time, they give you a head start in your college career by offering college credit and letting you place out of introductory courses.

If you’re applying to high schools right now, pay close attention to the AP offerings at your prospective schools. Do they offer any AP classes at all? If so, do they offer AP classes you may want to take in particular, based on your interests and potential career goals?

If you’re in high school at the moment, plan ahead with regards to which AP classes and exams you intend to take and when. And of course, diligent studying and test prep will help you do well in these challenging classes, and achieve your desired scores on the exams!