public schools

Should Your Child Go To A Charter School?


As of 2017, there are approximately 7,000 charter schools, making up seven percent of all public schools in the United States. Here’s a look into why they are so popular: 


Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are independent of local school districts and are overseen by organizations under a charter. Charters detail how the school is going to be organized and managed, what students are expected to do, and how the school plans on measuring students’ success rates. Charter schools are regularly reviewed to make sure they are meeting all standards defined in their charter. If they do not meet their guidelines, curriculums, or accountability standards, the school runs the risk of being shut down. 

As public schools, they do not charge tuition, are open to everyone, and do not require entrance exams. Because they are independent of local school boards, they are not obligated to follow the state’s curriculum. They are allowed to develop their own curriculum and adjust it however they see fit as their student body’s needs change. However, they must still adhere to the same student assessment requirements as other public schools. This means all students in charter schools in NYC must take state tests and regents exams like other regular public school students. 


Charter schools are a hub of innovation and experimental learning. So, if your student is having trouble at a regular school, the teaching style of your local charter school may be more beneficial. For example, a hyperactive student at a regular public school may face harsh consequences for not being able to sit quietly at a desk and may become discouraged, but this student would be more encouraged at a charter school where they can focus their energy on a more hands-on learning environment. These schools also tend to have smaller class sizes, allowing students to have more one-on-one attention to improve their academic performance. 

Unlike regular public schools, charter schools do not follow the Common Core curriculum. Regular public schools cannot change their curriculum to fit every students’ needs. However, if a student is having trouble with the material at a charter school, the flexibility of a charter school’s curriculum allows the teacher to change the curriculum to fit their needs. They can approach the curriculum in a different way, like project-based or outdoor learning. As a result of their flexible curriculum, charter schools can specialize in various themes and curricula like the STEM field, college prep, or languages. For example, in NYC, the Hebrew Language Academy Charter School immerses students in the Modern Hebrew language. 

In NYC, students in charter schools outperform students in regular public schools with similar student bodies. Charter school students pass academic tests at higher rates than other students. Charter schools have 63.2% and 57.3% overall student proficiency in math and ELA respectively compared to 46.7% and 45.4% statewide. Charter schools also demonstrate higher attendance rates and higher ratings on satisfaction surveys. 


Corruption is not uncommon in the charter school system. For-profit charter schools often take advantage of their funding and use children’s educations as a business opportunity. Twenty-four percent of charter schools close due to mismanagement. Charter schools also tend to have issues with funding. In fact, most charter schools close due to funding issues. In NYC alone, there have been twenty schools that have closed so far. 

Teachers at charter schools are not required to have teacher certifications. This could potentially lead to ill-prepared teachers who are unable to help your child improve and grow. The curriculum that your local charter school follows may also not be helpful to your child. If you are considering putting your child in a charter school, make sure to look into their student performance and statistics and speak to other parents before applying. 

How to Apply 

If you are considering putting your child into a charter school, you should first attend the open schools of any charter school you are considering. Here is a calendar of all upcoming charter school open houses in New York City. 

Admission to public charter schools is lottery-based, giving all applicants an equal chance to get in. If there are more students than there are seats then students are chosen randomly and students who do not get in are put on a waitlist. However, there are some enrollment preferences like returning students, siblings of students already enrolled, and students living in the school district. Students who fit these categories are given preference and have a better chance of getting in. Based on the school’s charter and its goal, students with disabilities, English language learners, or students with free or reduced lunch may also be given preference. 

There are three methods to apply to charter schools: the Common Online Charter School Application, the school’s website, or in person. Through the Common Online Charter School Application, you can apply to multiple schools. However, not all schools use this application form. If this is the case, you can visit the school’s website directly and apply through there. You may also pick up an application at the school or call the school and ask them to mail you an application. All applications are due by April 1st, 2020. If you submit the application late, your child will be put at the bottom of the waitlist. 

Charter schools are a great alternative to regular public schools, especially if your child is having trouble with the Common Core curriculum. It is important to do research into potential schools and choose the best fit for your child based on their curriculum, charter, and reviews. Synergy Prep offers tutoring services for State Assessments and Regents exams that students must take at the end of the year.